I have loads of teething toys for Mia, but our newest family member is possibly the best one yet. His name is Chewy* and he is a cute little hippo. Adorable! We received him last week and he's been with Mia every day. She loves him!

Chewy is made from soft natural rubber, which is safe for babies, so they can chew away all day! The hippo has textured chewable features, a soothing smell and and squeak inside - all the senses covered! Chewy will never flake or peel and it is also phthalate free.
It also comes with a velcro strap, which is very handy. You can attach it to something or attach a dummy etc to it, like I did.
Chewy is made by Cheeky Chompers, creators of Neckerchew and Comfortchew.
And it's not too pricey either - only £10.99!
And it's not too pricey either - only £10.99!

Now let's see Mia's reaction to Chewy :) I documented her first experience in the photos below.
She grabbed him by the arms/handles, which are a fantastic feature. So easy to grab by little hands!

Her face says it all. Ooooh, me likey mummy :)
Taste test first!
Ooops! That's not your mouth Mia!
That's better! Yuuuuuum!
I will just chew on his butt for a bit, ok mummy?
Whaaat? I am just trying the ears. Stop with the pictures... :)

Love it!

Oh, it came in a box? You know I love boxes mummy!
Ok, let's go to see nana and papa. I will just take a nap.

I am not letting go of Chewy though.
Hi there, just posing with my new buddy in nanas house :)

So delicious. Oh no, Suzie's coming!

Coffee date with Chewy at soft play.

We adore Chewy and he quickly became Mia's new favourite toy.
Chewy is available from www.cheekychompers.com