I love being creative, so this month's My Little (Creative) Box* sounded right up my street. It is amazing content wise, but I am not sure where the creativity is to be honest as the items are just regular beauty and lifestyle additions.

First, we have the beauty bag with three lovely products. There's a 40ml Night Cream, a beautifully scented Baija Body Cream and a blue nail polish, which I already have in my collection, as I received it in a previous My Little Box. A bit annoying that the items are included more than once, but I will just give it to someone as a gift.

The only slightly creative item within the box is the 'Tech Jewellery', which you can see above in use. Zachary helped me decorate my earphones with it. Quite cool, but I can see these falling off the cable easily.

The last item is my favourite and it's a canvas tote bag with a lovely illustration on one side and 'Collect Moments Not Things' on the front. Perfect! I will use it a lot.

Overall, a lovely box, but I wish the items each month had more to do with the theme.
You can subscribe to My Little Box here: www.mylittlebox.co.uk* (£11.00 + £3.95 P&P per month)
*PR sample