I am 23 weeks pregnant today and my bump is huge :) Which is great, as there is no confusion anymore. Still fat, but definitely visibly pregnant. I love having a round, firm bump and I love the way it looks in tight tops. We just came back from Poland and I am exhausted. Flying with a toddler while pregnant is hard work. He was well behaved on the plane, but the waiting and queues were a bit stressful. We met our beautiful niece and Zachary fell in love with her. He kept touching her little hands and kissing her face. Soooo cute!
How far along? 23 weeks.
Size of the baby? 11 inches and over 1 pound (about the size of a large mango)
Total weight gain: With Easter and a trip to Poland, I knew I will gain a couple of pounds and yep... I gained 4lbs. Nothing to worry about obviously, as I am meant to put some weight on. I noticed that every time we travel, I end up feeling very bloated and swollen so it might be water weight.
Maternity clothes? I bought some new leggings and oversized jumpers/tops. I also got some new flats, because it's all about comfort!
Stretch marks? No new ones yet, but I am sure I will get more soon. Everyone in my family got stretch marks during pregnancy :/
Sleep? Zachary isn't ill anymore so he is not waking up early and I am getting more sleep :) Obviously, I am still getting up at least twice for a wee, but I am used to it now.
Best moments this week/month: The 20 week scan, when we found out that we are having a girl. She is healthy and very active and everything is looking great so far.
Miss anything? Kopparberg Strawberry & Lime Cider! I wish they did an alcohol-free version.
Movement? Lots and lots of movement from the beginning of week 21. I feel it all the time now and it is lovely! Just like I said already, the baby is very active and we could see it on the scan.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope :)
Gender? BABY GIRL!
Labour signs? I went for a walk to the shop last week and on the way back I started getting really strong cramps. I was really worried, because it felt like the start of labour, complete with stabbing pains in my back. It was horrendous! I was walking uphill, pushing a stroller with Zachary inside and two heavy bags on the handles and I had to stop, breathe and take my time. I know... I am so silly... I shouldn't have went on my own. My husband wasn't too impressed and I am not allowed to do it again... obviously. I just thought I can carry on with anything I was doing pre-pregnancy, but it looks like that stroll was too much.
Symptoms? I noticed lots of small light brown marks on my face and pigmentation under my arms and on my breasts. I haven't experienced it in my last pregnancy, so it's a new 'experience'. I use a high SPF every time I go outside, so I am not impressed :/ I am also really struggling with back pain. I think that my uterus is putting pressure on my spine. Again, it wasn't an issue in my first pregnancy so it's a bit annoying. I have been doing yoga to help with it though.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Off.
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy.
Looking forward to: My 3d scan next month.
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Zachary meeting his little cousin and a photo of me as a baby :) |
Sandra xo