I couldn't wait to share this amazing manicure with you. I bought micro beads from ebay about a month ago for 99p but I couldn't find time to finally use them. There is a caviar manicure craze going on at the moment and all the Ciate mani sets are sold out, so here is a cheap option that looks just as good. I went for metallic multicolour fish egg manicure and I can't stop looking at it.
All you need to do is paint your nail with nail polish of your choice(preferably 2-3 coats) and when the last coat is still wet dip it in the micro beads (they will stick to your nails). Press them on gently and let the excess fall off. Repeat on all nails. The effect is amazing in my opinion!
Here is a link to the micro beads I bought click. They came in separate colours, but I decided to mix them together. There is enough for about 1-2 manicures.
EDIT: I had to change the name of the manicure to fish egg, as Ciate "owns the trade marks caviar manicure and caviar nails and they are in the process of applying to register these mark around the world". To read more about it read this post from Lucy's Stash.