Everything They Won't Tell You About The Wellness Lifestyle

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Wellness is something that people constantly promote in our society. And, generally, we want to move in that direction. We live in a sick society and most people live their lives in a state of poor health, thanks to the many environmental and societal factors.

But the culture surrounding wellness also has a dark side. It’s not always what it seems. And its expectations can be at odds with reality. 

The wellness lifestyle is a polar opposite to how most Westerners live. You’re supposed to eat organic food, practice yoga, meditate, use essential oils, and drink green smoothies. You’re also supposed to feel happy, healthy, and balanced all the time.

But is any of this realistic for the average person? Almost certainly not. The human body isn’t a perfect machine. It has its problems. And the mind is even more complicated. It seems to create issues all the time. 

This blog post shares some of the things they won't tell you about the wellness lifestyle. These ideas might actually change how you perceive the wellness lifestyle and help you find a more realistic and sustainable approach to your well-being. Here’s what you need to know. 

It Can Be Expensive

Like most good things in life, the wellness lifestyle can be expensive. Buying organic food, supplements, yoga classes, meditation apps, and other wellness products can add up quickly. Not to mention the time and energy it takes to prepare healthy meals, exercise regularly, and practice self-care. You often have to carve vast chunks of time out of your day to get everything done. By the end of it, you can feel exhausted. 

It Can Be Elitist

There’s also the issue that the wellness lifestyle is elitist. Influencers and celebrities can spend millions of dollars a year on feeling and looking good. That might not be possible for regular people. 

It Can Be Stressful

It can also feel stressful, particularly if you feel like you need to follow all the rules and recommendations of the wellness lifestyle. With so much contradictory information out there, you will be asking yourself questions about every area of life. Am I am drinking enough water? Am I drinking too much? Is low fat or high fat better? Should I include raw broccoli in my smoothie? Should I go plant based? Carnivore? Is paracetamol a painkiller? Do I exercise enough? Too much? So much information out there and most of it is contradictory.

Even worse, you might feel guilty or ashamed if you don't eat right, exercise enough, or meditate daily. Many people feel depressed or anxious if they don’t get the results they expect. 

You may also need to isolate yourself from other people if they don’t fit in with the wellness community or culture. You might worry that they will bring you down or make you compromise on your standards. 

It Can Be Harmful

Some wellness solutions aren’t good for you at all and can be harmful. For instance, practices and products that are marketed as 'wellness' can actually be dangerous or detrimental to your health. Dietary practices can cause nutrient deficiencies or eating disorders and supplements may lead to liver damage or interact negatively with medications you’re already taking. 

So that’s a roundup of why the wellness culture is something you have to approach with caution. It’s not a popular topic, but it is worth considering. 


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