Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you are having a lovely time, relaxing with your family and indulging in yummy food :) I might share some Christmas snaps on my mummy & baby blog at the weekend but today I wanted to tell you about things I have been loving lately :)
Every December I become obsessed with hot Christmas drinks. This year I have been enjoying Gingerbread lattes, Christmas cake flavoured tea and Teapigs Spiced Winter tea. Yuuuuum!
Some yummy cookies to go with my tea :)
And a cake pop from the lovely ladies at Babushka Communications. Delicious!
I made these mini meringues for Christmas Day, filled with mascarpone cream. Sooo good!
Can't wait to burn my new candles.
The nicest looking present I wrapped this year :)
Some of this years Christmas cards.
My love for gold temporary tattoos continues.
How adorable is this one?
My new marble surface for taking blog photos. It looks sooo beautiful!
Let's not forget about delicious homemade soup! I will share the recipe on my other blog.
I am also addicted to persimmons. They are my favourite fruit at the moment.
Scott playing with Zachary's Angry Bird Air Swimmer. Unfortunately it has a broken motor, so it doesn't work properly. So annoying! I will have to complain to Toys'r'us.
Cute new slippers!
Being silly with Zachary.
Zachary is into cars, angry birds and lego, but he also likes tea parties and Peppa Pig. He picked up this pink tea set in a charity shop and I had to buy it for him. I cannot stand parents who ban their boys from pink and girly toys and vice versa. It's all about having fun and imagination! If he wanted Barbies, I would buy them without thinking twice!
Again, Merry Christmas everyone!
Love, Sandra x