I am sooo excited to share this Halloween Makeup Look with you :) I was asked to take part in a hair styling challenge to recreate the Poison Ivy look, but I decided to add a couple of finishing touches, like contact lenses and cool lashes to make it more interesting. It was sooo much fun!
I was in a real pickle with the hair colour, because my hair is naturally brown and I was supposed to style it with the Enrapture Encode Totem Styler*(£59.99). This meant that I couldn't get a red wig!!! After searching ebay, I stumbled across some red hair spray for kids and decided to try it on freshly styled hair. It was a bit messy but it worked :) Yay!

I used the Enrapture Totem Styler on the 3:3:3 setting (for tight curls) and it was easy peasy! The barrel heats up really quickly and creates gorgeous curls, so the full head took me about 10 minutes to style. You can use lower settings, depending on the look you want to achieve. Setting 1:1:1 will give you natural looking loose waves etc. If you can get the Totem Styler on offer (Argos is selling it for £39.99 atm), I would definitely recommend it. It is super easy to use and feels very sturdy. It will definitely last for a long time and you can create many different hair styles with it.

To protect my hair, I used the Paul Mitchell Heat Seal* (£11.26 via hairtrade.com). It provides light hold, adds shine and prevents any damage caused by styling with heat. Perfect! Once my hair was curled, I sprayed it with normal hair spray to hold the curls in place and added the red coloured hair spray as the last step. I must admit, I quite like my hair red :)

To make the look really dramatic, I used Vivid Green Contact Lenses*(£14.45 via eyesbright.com) and two sets of false lashes. The first pair is by Stargazer and I got it years ago (similar here) and the second pair is a stunning Peach Flower* design by PaperSelf (£11.99) I thought they will be perfect for this look and I couldn't be happier with the final effect. I used them under the bottom lash line and they look awesome!
Before I started with my eye makeup, I used a glue stick to 'glue my eyebrows to my skin'. I know... Sounds a bit scary, but it isn't. Once the eyebrows were totally flat against my skin, I concealed them with Bourjois Happy Light Concealer.

The colours I used to create the eye makeup were Homegrown and Flipside from my Urban Decay Book Of Shadows II and Citron Pistachio from Sigma Creme De Couture Palette. I used a cheap black Liquid Liner from Primark to outline the edges and add detailing, plus a bit of UD Half Baked in the middle of the lid and on the outside of the full design. I also contoured my cheekbones with a mixture of Cafe Au Lait and Almond Pear from the Sigma Palette.
The foundation I used is Revlon Photo Ready and I the lip colour I am wearing is Rimmel Apocalips in Big Bang.

You can brush your hair for a more relaxed look.

I absolutely love the Poison Ivy Look and I could probably get used to wearing it every day :) I refused to take my makeup off until bed time, because I didn't want to ruin my 'masterpiece' haha. Let me know, if you will be recreating this look, or leave links to your Halloween looks in the comments. I would love to see your ideas!
*PR samples