I added a photo of this beautiful bag to my instagram and many of you asked about it and ordered it already. It is such a gorgeous design. I always wanted a laser-cut leather bag in brown, so I had to have this beaut! There is one problem though. I didn't realise that it is a Ralph Lauren replica. I had no clue at all.
I was looking at the floral/swirly pattern, while taking a photo of me wearing the bag in the mirror (see photo below) and I noticed the RL letters in the middle. You can't really see it in real life, because the letters are backwards and... the website shows you the letters backwards as well. Sneaky, eh? You can only see the RL logo in the mirror!
The original is the Ralph Lauren Vachetta Scroll Tote model and it costs a lot of money... I used to buy replicas when I was younger, but I am not a fan anymore, so I am not sure if I would have ordered it, if I knew that it's a replica of a RL bag. I am slightly disappointed. I adore the design and the finish is really good, but I should have done more research before placing an order. The bag is currently on sale and you can buy it here, but be aware that it is a copy. It is currently on sale for $45.90 (approx. £30.00).
The design features a laser-cut pattern on the faux leather basket with two handles. Inside, there is a drawstring bag with two big tassels. You also get a separate shoulder strap, so you can wear it in two ways.
What do you think about replicas? Would you be annoyed if this happened to you?
You can see the mirror image above and the RL logo.
*I paid for the bag with a voucher and my own money.